Une routine complète grâce au layering.

A complete routine thanks to the layering.

The Kesako Layering?

The layering technique has its origin in the minimalist routines of Asian women, in particular Japanese and Korean women who carry out their care daily in particular.

Their routine is based on a method which consists in superimposing layers of beauty care in a very precise order in order to keep a healthy and neat skin with a zero -defect complexion called " Glass Skin ». It is thanks to the layering that the Japanese and Korean obtained the reputation of having skin without imperfections, smooth and bright. Codifying the application of its care during its beauty ritual makes it possible to withdraw the maximum profits from each of the cosmetics but also to afford a superb moment of relaxation.

A morning or evening beauty routine does not need to last hours and take a lot of energy to be effective, however we know by several studies that the Skincare - Asian addicts spend on average twice as much time as The French in their bathroom: 1 hour for some against 15 to 30 minutes for others.

We say stop in 3-in-1 creams and we say yes to a meticulous but optimal routine with the right products, natural if possible.

Saho art

Layering is known to be a kind of " millefeuille In reference to the superposition of cosmetics. The steps to follow are punctuated by the type of product used (cream, balm, milk), their texture (liquid or thicker), their characteristics (liposoluble, hydrophilic) because the other important point, after order of application , is the compatibility of care between them. Indeed, using cosmetics that do not have similar properties or with non -compatible assets can undermine your skin. So you have to start by choosing products that complement each other and correspond to your skin type (oily, dry, acne, mature, etc.).

Also called the " Saho art », The Layering generally contains 7 steps Basic but it is also possible to practice less for the most in a hurry, or much more for the most diligent. This beauty technique is transmitted from generation to generation.


Here in detail each stages of the Layering routine:

1. Removal

The first stage of the double cleaning is in makeup removal. So, whether we applied a good foundation layer or not, it is essential to remove all this makeup to make the skin breathe. The residues and dirt accumulated during the day will leave very easily with a cleansing oil, because its properties allow the pores to be unclogged and to deeply clean the first layer of your skin, the epidermis.

Removing makeup also allows the skin to more easily activate cell regeneration overnight. Favor make -up removal in oily, liquid and 100% vegetable form such as jojoba oil or solid such as balms and make -up remover.

2. Clean

The second stage of the double cleaning is cleaning with an aqueous base. A cleaner or soap is used to eliminate the latest traces of pollution, mascara, dust to make room for clean and clear skin before placing assets on it.

There are very good cleaners in the form of a frost or foam to be found in pharmacies or in supermarkets, they are used in a similar way; Moisten your face in the water, apply a nut a cleaning nut, rub in your hands to get a foam and continue to foam on the face by applying it to the face before rinsing it. The operation must last a few minutes, it is recommended to focus on problem zones such as the T zone (forehead - nose - chin).

3. Exfolier

Face exfoliation is to be practiced only 2 times a week maximum so as not to attack the skin. It is a rather beneficial action for the skin than to be rid of these dead cells, but it is also necessary to respect your cellular repair cycle and give it time to take up vitality before redoing a scrub.

A mechanical scrub (with grains) or an exfoliant with assets (AHA, BHA) allows pores to be disobedient (cf. article AHA, BHA) and to keep a uniform appearance of the skin. The two techniques are different:

  • Mechanical scrub

Moidify your face with water or a hydrosol, gently massage with circular movements the entire face for 1-2 minutes before rinsing with clear water. If you feel an abrasive sensation on your skin after a mechanical scrub it is that the grains are too thick and/or that you have very sensitive skin. It would be rather preferable to turn to a peel.

  • Exfoliation by acid

Make sure the skin is perfectly clean and dry. Apply a few drops of the acid exfoliant and slightly massage the face to a cotton. Avoid THE outline of the eyes and mouth, areas too thin to remove an advantage from the exfoliant.

For the most sensitive skin as for others, this type of acid peeling is to be done in a responsible manner, that is to say to start with use per month, then one per week and max two per week and especially Do not exceed the recommended break time on the cosmetics at the risk of coming out with redness to see burns.

4. Tone

The tonic lotion is used after cleaning your face to be more easily absorbed by the skin. Thanks to this cosmetics, the pores close due to a high alcohol content in these products. It must be applied in reasonable quantity so as not to dry the skin while keeping all the benefits of its astringent action (anti-inflammatory). For a more natural option, opt for floral water or hydrosol.

We vaporize her tonic lotion a few centimeters from the face or it is placed on an soaked cotton in order to pass it on the whole face by tapping slightly. By this stage, the skin is ready to receive more targeted care.

5. Cover

Hyaluronic acid, retinol, vitamin D, collagen, zinc, caffeine, ... to name a few, there are a multitude of sera that treat all the skin issues in a very targeted way. As a general rule, using 1 to 3 serums is more than sufficient, otherwise they are mixing too many assets, some of which are incompatible with each other.

The serums are sold either in the form of 1 assets = 1 serum or in the form of a cocktail already ready of the genre; Anti-aging serum, radiance serum, anti-imperfections serum ... It's up to you to find the one that corresponds to your needs and especially of you inquire about its daily use or not, morning or in the evening, compatible with some or not.

Favor an aqueous and fluid serum that will quickly blend into your epidermis. At this stage of the layering your skin will better absorb the assets that you give it, all the more if you make light massages with a Gua Sha in natural stone. No need to apply too large a large amount of serum, simply place 2 drops in the hollow of your palm, rub to wake up the active ingredients and gently affix your hands on your cheeks, chin and forehead.


Taking care of the most fragile parts of our face is important, we are obviously talking about the eye area, where the skin is the finest since it is in this place that it is noted wrinkles, dark circles and pockets.

The eye area needs particular attention, especially because the cosmetics that are in contact must be compatible with this fragility. No question of depositing a peeling or a stripping serum, but rather of favoring contours of the gel -type eyes to repair the damage of fatigue and age.

7. Hydrate

The last stage of the Layering consists in covering the active ingredients previously deposited on your face by a day or night cream. Indeed, hydration is the best known and probably the most followed gesture in a basic skincare routine. From a certain age, the skin begins to hold water in its cells as much as before.

To find elasticity and firmness, the skin needs a little boost given by a serum which aims to stimulate cells to deeply treat the problem before sealing everything with your moisturizer. Thus, the skin is covered with a thick layer allowing it to regenerate easily. As a natural tip, keep the hydration of your skin thanks to a rich balm or a vegetable oil such as serum enriched with 7 vegetable oils of Melāhuac which will close your routine by leaving you a soft and not oily skin.

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