Comment créer ses formules pour démarrer son entreprise de cosmétiques ?

How to create your formulas to start your cosmetics business?

The base: your idea

At Melāhuac we want to put the customer at the heart of the experience of entrepreneurship and in particular in the field of cosmetics. Diana, the founder, particularly appreciates exchanging, sharing and meeting the followers of her brand, it is largely thanks to them that Melāhuac was born. THE advice, THE questions, THE notice, THE disagreement and debates are the basis of an open customer relationship. The question that comes up most often is "How did you get your cosmetics brand?" »»

To this we answer that everything starts with the basic idea of ​​the project. We have already talked about the creation of our brand: Name deposition, brand identity, website, legal and regulatory dimensions, crowdfunding campaign, co-creation etc. But we have not yet returned to details on the creation of Melāhuac products, that is to say the formulas.

Various costs, the essentials

In the creation of a cosmetics brand, certain expenses are unnecessary, certain costs can be avoided, but this is not the case with the creation of your own cosmetic formula. The work is certainly longer, but your expectation will be rewarded with the singularity of your brand.

Several possibilities are available to businesses:

  • Buy a formula « white "To a laboratory and use it by affixing its brand name on the final packaging. A well -known process of cosmetics companies, but very little customers who, thinking of buying several different brand products and therefore with different properties, are actually found with the same cosmetic formula but in a different packaging and branding.

  • Engage an independent or not laboratory, in order to collaborate for the creation of a formula original, that's to say unique. It is a choice thanks to which the cosmetics brand can help create its own formula by giving its requirements as to the controversial ingredients, as for its preferences for use in assets, as for its desire for a cosmetics with specific properties ,… Everything is doable, depending on its budget.

For Melāhuac, the choice was quickly made: Diana and Maxime preferred to invest in their clean formula By putting itself in touch with an independent laboratory. We decided to create formulas from zero, from our own specifications in which we removed all the controversial ingredients that we did not want in our products.
NB: To give you an idea of ​​how to create and put on the market a cosmetic formula and how much it costs, we will reveal everything to you in this article. Note that each supplier, laboratory, toxicologist, ... has completely different prices, but that will allow you to have an "idea", or at least these are the prices we have faced.

Essential employees

There are laboratories that offer the creation of formulas as well as the production of products. Melāhuac decided to work with a formula, a toxicologist, a laboratory and a DIP official. Each independent of the other.

To make a cosmetic formula you should collaborate with:

  • A formator:

Person responsible for creating your formula according to your needs. She will use specifications that will have to be filled with all the details of the desired "ideal" formula. For example: texture, smell, effect, marketing ingredients (ingredients to highlight on packaging), percentage of naturalness desired, etc. The formator will send you many samples to the complete validation of the formula.

Price per formula: approximately 3000€

  • A toxicologist:

Once the formula has been validated, the toxicologist will make the toxicological tests Products necessary to determine the non-dengestor of the ingredients, which can last from 1 to 2 years depending on the type of product. The formula will be put into testing with the bottle chosen to make patch tests, bacterial tests, compatibility tests, temperature tests etc. Once these tests are completed, a dermatologist will sign the document and the formula will finally be validated.

Price per formula: approximately 275€

  • A file manager:

To put a cosmetic formula on the European market, it is compulsory to write a Dip (Product information file), whose duration of life is 10 years old After placing the last manufacturing batch on the market. This file contains the description of the cosmetic product, the ratio on the safety of the cosmetic product (toxicological test), the manufacturing and conformity method BPF (Good manufacturing practices), evidence of the claimed effect and data relating to animal experiments. Then it will be necessary to register it with the CPNP (European cosmetics portal). A product cannot be put on the market without its recording on the portal. The drafting of a DIP per product is necessary, it must comply with the legislation and kept up to date by the person responsible for the file.

File price for 1 formula: approximately 900€

  • A laboratory:

It is always necessary check there feasibility of your product with your partner laboratory as well as the quantities to be produced. The laboratory will receive the formula made by the formator and then launch the production of cosmetics. It can also package and send you the products to your home or your premises.

Price for a production of 1000 products: approximately 1000€. Note that the price varies depending on the quantity in the bottle as well as the raw materials.

The end word

The regulation of cosmetic products in Europe is one of the strictest, which is why you have to be very vigilant when carrying out each step before the sale of your cosmetic products. The idea is not to fill out files in a vacuum, or unnecessary files, "paperwork" is ultimately the best way to validate your cosmetics in all serenity. You will guarantee customers to have overhaul and quality products for the skin!

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